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There are several variables that can affect the outcome of
an espresso brew, including:

By adjusting these variables, you can control the flavor,
strength, and body of the espresso. Each of these factors can have a big impact
on the final cup, and figuring out the right combination for your preferences
can take some experimentation.

In addition to these brewing variables, the quality and
freshness of the beans, the cleanliness of the equipment and the skill and
technique of the barista are other factors that can also have a major impact on
the final cup of espresso.

In addition to the variables you listed, there are several
other factors that can affect the taste and quality of an espresso shot:

These are just a few of the many factors that can affect the
taste and quality of an espresso shot. A skilled barista will have a good
understanding of how all of these variables interact, and will be able to
adjust them as needed to produce a delicious shot of espresso.

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